
Good Person Good Company Good Future
CEO Toshihiko Oshima

Since its inception, the RDC Group has successfully launched a diverse range of restaurants, including conveyor-belt sushi, spanning both domestic and international markets. Our guiding aforementioned corporate philosophy reminds us never to forget the importance of treating our local guests with the utmost care and bringing happiness to them at RDC Group’s restaurants. It is also essential to develop staff who are dedicated to creating restaurants that deeply resonate with and are cherished by local communities. In addition, we are always on the lookout for like-minded partners who are interested in contributing to our continued growth.

With immense pride in our work, we are deeply committed to treating every guest at RDC’s restaurants with heartfelt service and exceptional meals, aiming to increase our global fan base.

Guided by our corporate philosophy - “Good person, good company, and good future” - we remain committed to enriching the lives of everyone involved in the RDC Group.